本次主題對我來說再熟悉不過了,討論的是公司在電話會議要使用的Conference call(八爪魚?!)以及Video conference(視訊會議),當身為公司IT人員的主角必須要負責更重要的任務時,他該怎麼做呢? 看下去就知道囉!
Ewan: Who’s running the videoconference next week?
= Who is organizing,
managing the conference 規劃、管理這個視訊會議
Petra: I am. Desmond put me in charge of it last week.
put sb. in charge of sth. means somebody is
going to organize something
Ewan: Oh, somebody’s moving up in the world. It’s nice that he’s giving you more responsibility.
to move up in the world = to be doing well, to be doing better
professionally 做得更好、更專業、更成功 = to come up in the world
Petra: Yeah, but I’m not sure I’m ready.
Ewan: I’ve set up conference calls and videoconferences before. Maybe you can tell me what you’ve already done and I can see if you’ve missed anything.
Petra: That would be great. Okay, I’ve scheduled the meeting for 3:00...
book, reserve, and
x book: 是口語用詞,像是預約計程車、預定旅館時會聽到這樣的說法,多在對話時使用。book是個很廣泛的用語,表示你安排好了一個未來的特定日期的約會, 像是和醫生預約時間、預約餐廳、預約看表演節目,大致上隱喻著這個預約是有交易或者具有履行義務的約定。
x reserve: 是較為正式的用詞,與book意思很相似。通常在預定餐廳位子的時候會用到,這也暗示著這個預約是特別為了你和你的貴賓(重要的人)所準備的。
x schedule: 指這個預約是整合許多人的時間所排定,所以你會使用在schedule an appointment/meeting,但應該不會用在安排交通這種狀況下。
Ewan: Stop right there. If the videoconference is at 3:00 here, it’s already 6:00 on the East Coast. That’s too late to start the meeting, don’t you think?
Petra: Oh, I didn’t factor in time zones! But I still have time to reschedule, I think, so it’s not a total catastrophe.
■ Catastrophe: disaster, calamity 災難
Petra: I still need to figure that out.
figure sth. out (片語phrase) 弄清楚
Ewan: Are you facilitating the meeting, too?
可以指一個團體或是一個人正在負責這個會議的意思,如果單指一個人facilitate a meeting,很可能就是指這個人是主席chairman,負責的任務是促進(facilitate)這個會議的進行,所以必須要負責引導會議的主題,引介到場的與會者等等。
Petra: I don’t know. I guess so.
Ewan: In that case, make sure you identify each person by greeting them by name.
greet sb.by name: 表示問候對方且必須記得/知道對方的名字
Petra: I was hoping to lurk in the background in case something went wrong. I’d be ready to troubleshoot.
to lurk: 潛伏
to lurk in the
background: 隱藏在幕後(工作)
Ewan: If Desmond put you in charge of setting up the meeting, he’ll want you to take a more active part.
to take an active
part: 做為比較主動的角色
[Petra breathing heavily]
Ewan: What are you doing?
Petra: Hyperventilating. I don’t think I’m ready for this.
■ hyperventilate 過度換氣
Script by Dr. Lucy Tse