
星期二, 2月 11, 2014

[家的味道] 麻油雞 Recipe for Sesame Chicken Soup

雖然室內有暖氣, 可是常常會有手腳冰冷的毛病


第一步: 準備食材
 薑片用麻油炒完之後其實沒有辣味, 加多更香
(2)準備適量的雞肉塊, 雞腿肉尤佳

第二步: 開中火, 放入麻油加熱
第三步: 將薑片放入油鍋翻炒
第四步: 薑片炸至金黃即可
第五步: 放入雞肉塊
第六步: 開大火將兩面大火炸至微金黃即可
第七步: 將所有材料放至壓力鍋
第八步: 將米酒倒入壓力鍋, 加水至淹過所有材料
 拿高麗菜湯取代清水, 會讓湯汁更鮮甜好喝歐!
 (感謝賢慧帥哥@Wu Ming Feng提供秘方)
第九步: 依照壓力鍋設定, 唰唰聲後轉中小火10分鐘後關火完成
第十步: 加入鹽糖調味
 糖先加再加鹽慢慢調整, 做出自己的風味歐!

Step 1: Ingredients
(1) Cut a lot of ginger into thin slices.
(2) Cut up the chicken pieces, any part
(3) 1 cup of sesame oil
(4) 1 bottle of rice wine
(5) Salt
(6) Brown sugar

Step 2: In a medium heat, start with a frying pan, heating the sesame oil.
Step 3: Put the sliced ginger into the hot oil.
Step 4: Stir fry the sliced ginger for a few minutes until it's golden brown.
Step 5: Put the chicken pieces into the stir fried ginger.
Step 6: Change the heat into high, and stir fry the chicken until both sides turn into light brown.
Step 7: Put all the ingredients into the pressure cooker.
Step 8: Put the rice wine into the chicken, and add some water to cover ALL the ingredients.
Step 9: Use the pressure cooker to boil for 10 minutes.

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